(775) 622-1822


99.6% of all drug trials for Alzheimer’s disease have failed and the horizon looks even bleaker when it comes to a “silver” bullet. Memory loss and Alzheimer’s disease are complex diseases with multiple factors that influence their progression. From infections, genes, toxins, metabolic dysfunction, medications, head trauma, age, education and environment. All these factors must be taken into account in order to un-ravel the complexity of memory loss and Alzheimer’s disease. Today’s drug model is out dated and simply not able to address such complexities like Alzheimer’s disease. The drug treatment paradigm is based on a 1930’s model when antibiotics where first introduced. Single drug single target=cure. That worked for infections, but will not work for such complex diseases as Alzheimer’s. Unfortunately modern medicine continues to fail to come up with any solutions for Alzheimer’s disease. Failure after failure is now the normal when it comes to drug interventions for Alzheimer’s disease. Until now….

Solution: Researchers at UCLA led by Dr Dale Bredensen pioneered a revolutionary new approach for reversing memory loss in early Alzheimer’s disease that incorporated a comprehensive diagnostic evaluation combined with a personalized plan to reverse early Alzheimer’s disease in 90% of its participants. The MIND-MEND program is the exact program used by the UCLA team to reverse early Alzheimer’s disease.

Call now to schedule a MIND-MEND evaluation to see if you qualify for the MIND-MEND program: 775 622-1822